Grab a pencil and jot down your response choice!!
1. Your trip research goes something like this:
A. Read guides, make a spreadsheet of pros and cons, read all reviews, then decide.
B. Check some reviews of each destination, then decide.
C. Read a travel magazine, ask a few friends, then decide.
D. Tag along with friends and allow them to choose the best destination.
**Ummm...yeah, I really can't decide which one I do more. - But for all intensive purposes of course, I"ll go with A. What I DON'T do is make a spreadsheet...Who does that?
2. Getting to the airport:
A. Arrive at the airport at least two hours in advance, with boarding pass in hand.
B. Gather bags and boarding pass, arrive at airport about an hour in advance.
C. Arrive on time, but need to print your boarding pass at the kiosk.
D. You lost your itinerary but know the flight leaves around noon. Arrive at the airport around 11:20am.
3. How do you decide where to stay?
A. You've carefully researched hotels and checked numerous web sites for the best value.
B. You've read some reviews and picked a hotel that looks good and is priced right.
C. You've asked friends for advice and booked at one of their favorites.
D. You'll look for a place to stay once you get there.
**Ugh, these are not all that clear cut... I do both... hmmmm probably A.
4. Your travel partner just showed up with a clipboard, wristwatch, and complete itinerary in hand. How do you react?
A. You plan to compare your check list with hers to make sure she hasn't forgotten anything.
B. This person has her wits about her. You feel confident in her abilities to make this trip a success.
C. You'll leave the details to her, and relax even more during this trip.
D. "Is this kindergarten? Who sent the nanny to watch over my trip?"
**Let's be honest... I do most of the planning. Secondly, I'd be BAFFLED if Jesse showed up so prepared and thirdly I am not with a "her" but hey, that's how the questions were asked and I certainly don't want to violate any copyright laws. :)
A. You've got a plan for every hour of the day. You have pre-booked many activities to avoid wait times and disappointment.
B. Your daily plan has been arranged in advance, with a back-up plan in case of foul weather. C. You have a few things you definitely want to do, and a good idea of which day to do them.
D. You'll mix with the locals and get some ideas. Maybe take a side trip, or wait and see what comes up. 6. You know exactly where you want to go next.
B. Somewhat agree
C. Somewhat disagree
D. Disagree7. Which week-long itinerary best matches yours?
A. 7 nights booked and reservations double-checked. You've been in touch with the concierge and airport transportation company.
B. 7 days/nights, all accounted for and booked in advance.
C. 5 days/nights accounted for, with a little wiggle room for a 2-day side trip.
D. First night accounted for, the rest will fall into place once you arrive.2-day side trips are my FAVORITE when I go someplace...
Now tally your responses - Which type are you?
Mostly 'A' responses?
Congratulations. You're a Type A traveler. Here are some places you would enjoy visiting:
(It's pretty accurate...I have to admit)
Mix of 'B' and 'C' responses?
Mostly 'D' responses?
You are a laid-back Type B traveler (so view the link above!)**The Result? It was a toss up between A or C... I think that's pretty accurate. I love to have everything planned, and I already admitted I am a bit of a control freak when it comes to traveling... But I also like to go with the flow and everyone knows I change my mind more than anything! So a good combo in my opinion :) What's the purpose of doing this whole thing? I think it is more about knowing how you travel best – with or without people, plans or no plans. That way, you don’t get stuck signing up for a situation that you hate because it’s not gonna allow you to do your thing.
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